Breakthrough Outcomes

Foto seorang petani sedang menyemprot pestisida

The right stuff: A story of progress towards systemic change in crop protection

Aug 2022

PRISMA determined that encouraging the private sector to make available safer products and embedding information and extension services with the products as part of their marketing strategy could improve sales for the companies. This marketing strategy would also improve crop productivity for the farmers.

sebuah mesin combine harvester sedang memanen padi di sawah di Madiun, Jawa Timur.

Turning the cogs: A story of progress towards systemic change in the mechanisation sector

Aug 2022

PRISMA saw an opportunity to work with the private sector to introduce harvesting and planting machines to smallholder rice and maize farmers to reduce the cost of production, increase productivity, and improve food security.

Foto seorang petani sedang mengeringkan padi yang dipanen.

The seeds of change: How to avoid empty rice bowls

Aug 2022

PRISMA focussed on rice in the early years through interconnected markets such as irrigation and, more recently, soil treatment, crop protection, and mechanisation.
